Thursday 6 January 2011

Evaluation- Activity 2

I choose Lia to play the MAIN CHARACTER i my opening sequence as she represents the average teenager, who spends time on the internet, who spends time socialising. I feel as there was not much talking involved that this role could have been played by a number of teenage girls even though there was a set character they didn't need many characteristics to play the role.
The main character in my film slightly RELATES to a young girl in another film called 'Taken' the girl in this film goes away with a friend and trusts a man that they meet who later on breaks in to the place they are staying and takes them both away and put them through terrible things. When i was thinking of ideas 'Taken' was a film that i thought of as i felt that the film put a message across for people that were teenagers, and trusted people they didn't know well too much, which relates to the main girl in my film 'behind the screen'.

On the left the girl from the film 'Taken' on the right is Lia the main character in 'Behind the screen'

These two characters are not both in exactly the same situation however they are both representing the average teenage girl, as both characters also do what most teenagers get up to in their spare time. The similarities are that both girls end up in a situation that they may not be able to get out of, and are trusting their instincts without thinking through the out comes, which in the long run gets them both in to a bad situation.

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