Saturday 8 January 2011

Final Opening Sequence- Behind The Screen


  1. I love the plot of your opening and the swapping of computers really show and make you believe that different people are talking to each other. Your use of camera angles were very good and your voice over really narrated and explained your story well to the audience to help them understand the story even more.

  2. The use of the different camera shots create a good variety and keep the attention of the audience despite the characters mainly looking at a computer screen. The narrative also clearly explains the plot.

  3. This video is very tense, and it works extremely well. The narration works very well, and builds a lot of tension. The idea of swapping the camera to show both computer screens is a great idea. The music works well with the clip and adds a more eery feel.

    Maybe shots of the face would have worked well. But overall, good film.

  4. Excellent film opening, I really like the music you have used as it allows you to hear the typing on the keyboard which makes the film much more tense, i also like how it creates an eery atmosphere. I think that it works reallt well how you have stopped the music when the girl answers the phone because you can hear her clearly.

    Another aspect of you film which I like is how you have used a voice over as it makes the meaning and plot of the film very clear and easy to understand.

    The camera angles are also very effective (especially the close up of the eyes) as you have used a wide variety which makes the film more interesting.

    To improve maybe add more titles but it was really good

  5. The camera shots used are decent and steady, as well I really like the way it ends when the voice over says 'this is my story' because it leads an audience on to the rest of the film. The use of sound is also good, for instance it cuts out when the girl answers the phone, that gives an eery effect. However, I didn't have much of an idea of what was going on as the story line was a little bit all over the place and didn't make sense to me, so maybe in order to improve you could have made the story line a little bit clearer. Other than that it is a good piece that sets the scene of horror well and gives an eery effect.

  6. Good opening sequence, I like the effects you have used to make the actor seem threatening, the voiceover makes it clear what the story line is, however at some points it gets confusing about what actor is playing what part in the film. I think the ending is very good and makes you want to see more. To improve this opening sequence I would have maybe used more dialogue to make the whole thing clearer.
