Saturday 1 January 2011

Evaluation- Activity 7

Looking back at my prelim task HOW HAVE I IMPROVED to my full product?

Wide shot
Medium Close up

                                                                                                       Wide shot

Behind zooming in shot

Close up
Long shot walking towards camera
Medium close up
When looking back at my prelim task i feel that my filming has improved dramatically, the prelim task really helped i could see where i needed to improve certain aspects of filming as the clip didnt seem to flow very well, which made things come natural when filming the opening scene, for example the 180 degree rule (making sure the two characters in the scene have the same left or right relationship with each other) also match on action shots. I felt this came in really handy as i had a rough idea when we filmed our prelim tasks, which helped when filming our opening sequence. Also where we had done filming previously, being steady with the camera and thinking of suitable and interesting shots also felt more natural, which made the outcome of our opening sequence more realistic and intertaining to watch. I feel that my shots used in my opening sequence comparing to my prelim task are allot more adventurous as i had more close ups zooming in and different angles from in which i took my footage. i done this through a matter of trial and error discovering what looked right and fitted with what was happening in the scene for example the extreame close up of the man putting on the black gloves as it highlighted to the audience something bad was going on. In comparison to the prelim task i had viewed more footage and opening sequences to films that left the veiwer wanting to see more this gave me allot of inspiration for my film, giving me more ideas when coming to film as i knew what looked good and worked well.

In comparison to the editing i felt that i have now really got to grips with how to use Premiere pro and spent allot longer working with the software, the editing played quite a dramatic part through my opening sequence on the other hand my prelim task was only a short clip requiring few cuts and i did not put in any effects. However due to the requirments of my opening sequence i had spent allot more time making things perfect adding in firstly a title that blurs in and out in red straight away adding tension then a transition that fades into the film from a black screen, i did not have any other transitions untill the end where the film fades out as i felt it would loose the atmosphere that was being created and take the audience away from what was going on in the film and make the film look un realistic, i saw this when i was researching as more comic and exadgerated films would use more transitions for example mean girls, juno and superbad. Also adding in a voiceover left the audience knowing a little bit of how the girl felt, when editing the voice over i changed the pitch and tone by adding in an effect that allowed you to adjust the sound, i done this to make the voice sound inocent to leave the audience feeling sorry for the girl. there was also many cuts throughout the film and titles that were straight foward as i had previously learnt them through exparience. 
Behind zooming in shot
Medium Close up

Medium shot
                                                       Over shoulder shot

                                                                                                            Over shoulder shot

                                                                                Medium wide shot

Medium shot

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